The “Build a Better Me” Project List (In no particular order)

1) Write Something. Write Anything. Write Everything.

  • Screenplays
  • Novel(s)
  • novellas
  • short stories
  • Articles
  • Blog

2) Learn to play an instrument.

  • A guitar
  • the piano
  • a tiny trumpet
  • learn to DJ
  • whatever.

3) Career Advancement / Learn a trade / Start a Business / Earn More Money

  • Go to grad school
  • Get Certifications
  • Learn a New Language (Spoken and Programming)
  • Learn to Weld
  • Learn to Blow Glass
  • Learn to Build Something with your hands
  • Take a bartending course
  • Setup/Max out 401K

4) Get my passport

  • Travel. a lot.
  • 2 Foreign places
  • 2 Domestic places.
  • Get in my car, pick a direction, drive 3 – 4 hours, stop and explore.

5) Get in tip top shape. 170 lb goal.

  • CrossFit
  • Start Boxing. I haven’t been punched in the face in a very long time. That has to change.
  • Run Endurance races: Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc…

6) Investigate Family history / Build Family Tree

  • It’s hard to know where you are going if you don’t know where you come from.

7) Go and meet people. Be More Social.

  • This will probably be the hardest for me, but a lot of the things listed above will give me the opportunity to meet new and interesting people. So hopefully, this one takes care of itself.

The Mental Loop of Doom with Heaping Helping side of Chronic Depression

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. And when I say thinking, I mean rehashing every negative thing that has ever happened to me and trying to find a pattern. I am literally dying. At least it feels that way. My mind works like this: The positive stuff is always, at best, hazy.  I can never get a grasp on it. Therefore, it doesn’t have much impact on me. The negative, oh the negative, is so vivid and so present…it feels like it’s happening to me all over again. and again. and again and again. I keep asking why? What if I did this instead of that?  Could I have prevented it? Why didn’t I see the signs? This is the mental loop. I’m having actual physical reactions. Aside from the sadness and general feeling of loneliness there is the disruption of sleep, fatigue, digestion problems, stomach pains, poor memory, an inability to concentrate, a loss of appetite, body aches and headaches.

The funny thing is that I feel like this more often than not. Actually I’ve felt like this most of my life. So, I Google my symptoms and apparently I suffer from Dysthymia or Chronic Depression. This is not to be confused with major depression. After reading the descriptions there doesn’t appear to be much difference between the two, but I do not suffer from a reduced sex drive (thank God), I haven’t had any angry outbursts (yet), I haven’t had any crying spells (yet, lol). I have had thoughts of dying, but not in the suicidy, “I’m going to kill myself to get away from the pain and despair” kind of way. It’s more along the lines of, “if I died today who would care?” kind of way.  My initial/knee jerk/screwed up mental state answer is “not very many”. So I think I’m good. I think…

The question I have for myself is, why does “not very many” NOT seem like enough?”. Why am I so concerned with external validation? The people that love and care for me are the one’s who should matter.  It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 people or 50 people. Those are the ones I will focus on now…and myself of course. If becoming the best person I can be leads to more people giving a damn about me, so be it, but that is no the focus.

I’ve recently read an article that postulates (big word bonus) The cause of the depression is alienation. It is generated by social guilt. The guilt leads to jealousy, which then turns into the depression.

“When the person is an idealist, then the essential theme of mania is character transformation, as a means to compensate for the self-hate within the guilt. Since the person does not like hating himself, so he has to transform those hateful aspects of himself before he can begin to establish a better self-image. But usually the person does not have the ability to change, or lacks knowledge about how to change. Therefore mania produces only an illusion of transformation. This is why the person is susceptible to rejection ; it bursts his bubble of illusion, it clearly demonstrates that he has not really managed to rise above his inadequacies and be a better ethical or noble person.”

This is good stuff. I mean really good stuff. It explains in part why I feel depressed and even though I need/want to socialize and go out and meet people I can’t. It’s about my fear of rejection. And rejection is negative (in my mind), which means I relive it over and over again and feel the sting like it just happened. This leads to jealousy of people who actually can go out and do those things, which makes me feel worthless, which leads to the depression. Isolation and alienation leads to depression. So the solution is that the things that can kill me are the things that can save me (Metaphorically speaking, of course). Essentially, I have to put myself out there and meet people. I’m usually not one for all the psycho babble. I usually just mark all my short comings down to the fact that I have, by my own estimation, been a pussy for most of my life. This might be a better explanation and a possible breakthrough. I’ll have to delve deeper into this later.

Alright, back to the mental loop of doom. In order to break from a mental loop you have to employ some mental techniques.

NLP Techniques are great as well as doing things to take your mind off of whatever you are over thinking. Do something physically and/or mentally taxing. Workout, Read, play Chess or better yet, GO. Try to sleep on it. Meditate. Try talking to someone you trust about the issue. If it’s extreme talk to a doctor. Another great way to break a mental loop is explained in detail here. Positive thinking and having a positive outlook on life can be a wondrous thing. If all else fails get it into your head, that whatever it that is rattling around and around in you brain hasn’t killed you yet, so it probably won’t. Confront it. Do everything you can to resolve it. I know it’s hard, trust me, but it’s the doing of hard things that make life worth living.

This will hence forth be known as my “dying of the light” moment.

Her 1:10 PM
Me 1:10 PM
How are you?
Her 1:13 PM
im doing well how are you
Me 1:16 PM
Not to well actually. I don’t think I can talk to anymore. At least not for a while.
Her 1:18 PM
whats wrong
Her 1:31 PM
Me 1:32 PM
­This should have been done face to face, but, the issue is that I ­like you in a “more than a friend” kind of way and it’s obvious you don’t feel the same way. I know/knew this but I thought I could handle it, but I can’t or don’t know how just yet. So I need some space, not that there was really any closeness between us, but I have somethings I need to figure out. I just want to be forthright and let you know and not just drop off of the face of the earth.
Me 1:43 PM
I’m doing this so you don’t think I’m some sort of creep/jerk who was only being friendly because he was after one thing. That honestly isn’t the case. I respect you as a person and as a friend, if that’s what we are/were, and in the future maybe we can pick back up, but for now it’s kind of hard for me.
Her 1:52 PM
i honestly don’t know what to say but ok
Me 1:56 PM
Ok will suffice. Goodbye.

There may be varying opinions about how I handled this situation, but I did the best I could with the tools/information I had in hand at the time. Everything in me told me to eject, so I did. Before this happened, I would try to gauge her interest in me, read the signs, but it felt like I was getting the run around and spinning my wheels. I just decided to ask her what she felt about me. I got the response, “she didn’t know what she wanted”. I should have read that as “she didn’t want anything with me.” Her indecision was really a decision.  If she liked me she would have said so. I know that now.

I seriously didn’t have any expectations when it came to the response. Whatever she said was going to be fine with me, but what I got was so simple and so concise and did things to my insides that I did not think were possible. And it was exactly what I needed. “OK”. Those two letters confirmed my sneaking suspicion  that I was being strung along and on the verge of being “friend zoned” or already friend zoned and not made aware. After being flaked on and turned down on numerous invites for drinks and dinner, it dawned on me that all we actually were doing was texting and seeing each other at “office functions”, never any one on one time (You know what this was pretty obvious…hindsight is 20/20).

I know, I know, don’t shit wear you eat. Office “romances” (if you want to call it that) are rarely worth the effort or the risk , but me being the greater fool that I am, I thought I could beat the odds. I’ll take the blame for that, honestly, I’ll take the blame for everything. People only do to you what you allow them to do you and I, apparently, put myself in the precarious position of being treated like a chump. There was no genuine interest in me for whatever reason. I was just an ego boost. An emotional crutch. Something to feel the void. A placeholder. I wanted to be so much more. But we can’t always get what we want.

How many more cliches can I add to this post, let’s see! “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” the saying goes and I do. I tried to avoid it all costs,  but that doesn’t mean I am exempt from it. It’s out there and either you are playing or you are getting played (I’m pretty sure I lifted this word for word from The Wire), and I am tired of being on the losing end. We haven’t spoken in close to a month. We may never speak again. I’m learning to be OK with that…obviously, she already is.

So here goes. Let the dying of Chon begin.

(Oh Yeah, Chon…that’s me. Nice to meet you.)